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Why VALUES EDUCATION is becoming so signficant for children

The process enables each child to be the best he or she can be

Teaching children about values adds relevance to their learning and gives them a meaningful, well-considered base of standards, principles and a moral compass that they can use with increasing confidence to guide their:

· thinking

· decision-making and choices

· behaviour and actions

so that they feel good about themselves, are ambitious and can realise their true potential.

Practice reinforces school values

Values Education not only reinforces and builds on the school’s values but it also enhances:

· its ethos, culture and standards

· its vision for the school and each of its pupils

· its curriculum

· relationships between teachers, pupils and parents/carers

· the quality of teaching and learning

leading to improvements in attainment and the personal wellbeing of everyone in the school community.

It meets a need

Values Education is holistic, transformative, experiential learning that progressively enables participants to develop a broad set of essential character strengths, competencies and rewarding habits, which together:

· cultivate children’s intellectual minds

· nurture their emotional and social skills

· nourish physical health and mental wellbeing

so that the children can flourish, whatever their social backgrounds, and shape their lives as they would wish.

The experiential learning prepares children well for life in our changing world

Explicit, systematic Values Education promotes:

· happiness, meaning, mindfulness, fulfilment, joy, purpose, positive emotions, health, enthusiasm, courage, perseverance, trust, resilience, empathy, compassion, teamworking and quality relationships

· a deeper understanding of the fundamental British values that schools in England must promote

· civic-minded, aspirational young people who can use their energy and talents to engage effectively with the global community.

The outcome

Children gradually get to know themselves, others and the wider world better and feel increasingly empowered with personal qualities, skills and knowledge that enable them to be happy, thrive and succeed throughout their school and subsequent careers.

On September 4, 2018